Jeff Crosby spends much of his time in Austin, but he came back to Boise for his 11th Annual Hometown Shows! His new album is “Another Petal Falls Off the Rose,” and he worked with a producer who has produced for Widespread Panic. Jeff Crosby and Matt Fabi joined us in studio for a session.
After the session, Jeff and Tim talked about the resurgence of Americana Music.
In December, there’s another Sapphire Room show you can catch, called “A Very JCDC Christmas.”
I spoke to Jeff about this song, and mentioned that I used to know Lois Fry of McCall.
She was an amazing fiddle player, who has since passed. This song also speaks of the owner of Crusty’s pizza, and Randy Priest of Donnelly Hat Shop.
This reminded me of 2 things. The legendary spur maker Billy Klapper, who was featured in the latest episode of Yellowstone. This old man was real in his role. He made spurs in one piece, and there was a big waiting line of years for his work. It kind of tied in with our talk of luthier Dave Boehlke. This Boise guitar wizard has done repairs for over 20 years, including Jeff’s bass player’s custom brass bass nut on his guitar, which was a work of art. “He keeps trying to retire, but we won’t let him.”
This small town song also reminds me of Idaho City, I guess because of the mention of Randy Priest. Many years ago, I met this woman named Manetta Schrite. Her husband had been a hat maker. After he passed, she became fiercely independent. I was lucky to tour her house. She was a tiny woman with a large belt buckle. She passed away years ago after a car wreck, of pneumonia days after learning she wouldn’t be able to drive anymore. When you drive to Idaho City, you will always see a tree with a huge bow on it. The highway crew wanted to cut down this Ponderosa Pine, and she fought to keep it alive. Locals change the bow on it several times a year in her honor.
This is a great small town song about all of that. Written with Micky Braun of Micky and the Motorcars.
Jeff plays a sold out show 11/14 at Sapphire Room, 11/15 at Heritage Social Club, and 11/16 at Neurolux. Check out his homecoming shows!
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