Jonah Kagen drove from Bozeman to Boise to play a couple of exclusive shows for us! He worked in Bozeman with a country artist named Sam Barber. Jonah played his Guild 12 String, (11 strings today since he had broken one).
Treefort Music Fest was Jonah’s first ever festival performance. He spoke about how special that was. He is now touring in his Airstream trailer, in a tour that began in Florida.
Jonah loves living in the Airstream, and recently hooked up to Starlink for internet. He says he’s learned to do many manly things lately, like changing his own oil. He loves touring, and says that it gives people a crazy perspective change. He says, “Where I grew up, nobody left.” I have some mountain family like that, they never go off the hill and think everyone else is weird.
Keep your eye on Jonah! By the end of the year, he’ll be touring with another artist we’ve had in studio, Chance Peña!
He did some great songs at The Record Exchange, here is a new one.
This is a really nice cover of a Jason Isbell song.
Jonah said that this is the song that got everything started for him.
At one point Jonah took off his sweatshirt, says he gets random nose bleeds and could feel one coming on. Luckily it never happened. We were so lucky to spend part of our day with a great young talent so early in his career. He didn’t quite yet have merch or an album to purchase, but people loved chatting with him and getting photos. He’s another River artist to watch!
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