Boise was the first stop of their tour, and the group stopped by to visit with Tim. They were really nice, and left with CDs and armloads of Girl Scout Cookies. Tim always spoils our guests! The CDs they chose included Sting, LP, and Ryan Adams. They said how cool Ryan Adams is, his look is like a combination of all rock people who have ever existed.
Portugal. The Man is from Wasilla, Alaska. Eric admitted that Sarah Palin used to work for his mom. He said Sarah actually got started writing kind of a light advice column for the local newspaper.
Here is the new sound from PTM. They say they feel a little naked in it. John‘s father suggested they write a protest song, after finding his Woodstock ticket in a toolbox he was selling. This song has a groovy, retro sound. I’d like to see a new Austin Powers movie, and hear this as the theme. Yeah, baby!
This was my first live PTM experience. I told them how I felt way too white to say “HPBeenDope” when I recorded their KF commercial, they cracked up and did their nerdiest impersonation of me saying that! HPBeenDope was a stellar opener, he got the crowd cranked up with energy. PTM said they found him in New Jersey and asked him to join the tour. Sub-woofers under the stage cranked to 11 were amazing!
When PTM hit the stage, everyone ran up front. I don’t know how to explain their show, such great energy! People were body surfing. I was nervous when security got involved, but excited to see them return folks to the crowd, to do it again. I mentioned to my friend twice, that something reminded me of Pink Floyd, sometimes of Rush. John’s voice is just so unique. On one song, they busted out into the ending of Dark Side of the Moon, and the crowd went wild.
The new PTM album is just 4 songs from being done. When asked how they would describe it, they said, “Quiet cool.” “Not safe.”
I will try to see this band every time they return, something special happens on stage. We encouraged to do a live session next time they play Boise.